Study of musical composition

Study of musical composition

By Santino Cara
Method/Harmony and Musical Composition
Instant Digital Download

Written by Santino Cara. Didactic. 252 pages. Santino Cara Published by Santino Cara.

Rules of musical writing and images

Study of musical composition

To write music correctly and safely it is necessary to respect well-defined universal rules. The great composers of the past have left the world an immense musical heritage, and thanks to their works we have learned the rule of composition. Rigid, ancient rules: but perfect and safe. Musical composition is a very fascinating discipline that allows us to enter the world of invention and inspiration. Musical writing gives us the possibility of pouring a particular emotion onto the score, describing an image, etc. All this is possible thanks to the rules of harmony and composition. Harmonizing a melody, a bass given  or a given song, concatenating or reversing a chord, knowing how to create a figurative continuous bass with writing, harmonizing a melody that suddenly crosses our mind or that we are whistling, etc. Learning composition is fundamental for every musician and the rule of composition is even more important. The study of this wonderful discipline allows us to participate in writing, to realize our desires for an instrument or for a symphony orchestra.

During the study the student will be able to view the numerous images of the compositional rules being studied.

Here are the chapters included in this composition method.

Harmony and tonality – Intervals – Movement of sounds – Major and minor chord – Construction and conjunction of chords – Cadences – Exceptional movements of the dominant – Concatenation of chords – Direct and inverted chord – Harmonization of the bass – Tonal progressions – Dissonant chords – Modulation – Progressions modulating – Dominant seventh chord – Dominant ninth chord – Seventh and ninth chords, natural and artificial – Exceptional resolutions of the seventh chords – Exceptional resolutions of the dominant ninth chord – Dominant ninth chord of the minor mode – Modulation to distant tones – The exchange – Harmonious artifices – Harmonization of the given song – Exercises related to the book of harmony and musical composition.

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